Fireplace Insect Problems

Stop stink bugs and other small critters from coming in through your fireplace!

Recently, stink bugs have become a real problem. They can enter your home by the hundreds through tiny gaps around windows, doors, vents, and chimneys.

During the fall months, stink bugs can be very active in the home as they try to settle down for the winter. Activity may continue through the cold winter months as the sun or heating system warms walls. Activity can peak again as the temperature warm in April, May and June, when they begin to once again go out doors to feed on fruit producing plants.

Homeowners are being driven crazy by these unwanted pests that are finding a convenient entry point through fireplace flues and fireplace vents. Here is what some folks are saying about their stink bug problem.

  • "There were HUNDREDS of stink bugs in my fireplace flue. I found this out the other night when I lit up a wood fire."
  • "They are everywhere - our exterminator was here yesterday and said there really wasn't much you could do - they will find a way in. I think the majority of ours are coming in through the chimney."
  • "They are coming down the flue because it's a heat source. They are driving us crazy!"
  • A pest control manager said that this year it appears stink bugs have discovered chimneys as a new point of entry to homes for the winter."
  • "Here it is mid-December and I am still dealing with stink bugs. I believe they are coming in from my fireplace flue. Any new solutions?"

Solution - Draft Decor's Vent Covers, Flue Covers & Termination Cap Covers!

The best way to prevent insects and other small critters from entering your home is to seal up every possible opening by installing Draft Decor's Flue-zee Flue Covers, Magnetic Vent Covers and Termination Cap Covers.

Magnetic Fireplace Vent Covers

Vent Covers

Magnetic Fireplace Flue Covers

Flue Covers

Fireplace Direct Vent Covers

Cap Covers